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Common Misconceptions About Ultrasonic Welding Machines


Ultrasonic welding machines have become quite widespread in various industries such

 as product packaging, cutting, riveting, embossing, and punching. Therefore, a variety

 of ultrasonic welding machines with different functions have emerged.

Different application fields, usage methods, and equipment requirements vary significantly.

 There is currently a considerable gap in the usage among consumers. Let's explain these 


Misconception about Ultrasonic Output Power: The magnitude of ultrasonic output power

 is determined by the diameter and thickness of the piezoelectric ceramic piece, the material,

 and the design process. Once the transducer is completed, the power is also set. Measuring 

the output energy is a complex process.

This doesn't mean that a larger transducer or more power transistors in the circuit will result

 in greater output energy. Measuring its amplitude requires a very sophisticated amplitude 

measuring instrument. Because many users have a limited understanding of ultrasonics, 

misleading from some sales personnel has led to misconceptions among consumers.

The consumed electrical energy does not reflect the size of the output ultrasonic power. 

For example, low longitudinal energy generation and high current consumption can only 

indicate low equipment efficiency, and high apparent power is appropriate.

Misconception about Ultrasonic Welding Machine Selection: Factors such as output power

 usage, oscillation frequency, and amplitude range should consider factors such as the 

material of the workpiece, the area of the welding wire, the presence of electronic components

 in the workpiece, and whether it's sealed. The misconception that more power is better is

 also prevalent.

If you have limited knowledge about ultrasonics, consult the engineering and technical staff 

of reputable ultrasonic manufacturers. If possible, visit the manufacturer for face-to-face 

communication and avoid blindly following the guidance of informal ultrasonic salespeople.

Currently, companies producing related equipment are often mixed, resembling home workshops 

with mechanical simulated circuits, lacking a deep understanding of the working principles.

Imitation equipment has the following fatal flaws: First, the quality of purchased raw materials 

cannot be guaranteed; second, core technological aspects of the production process are not 

mastered. The equipment tends to exhibit instability during medium-power and high-power 

operations, resulting in low product qualification rates. Sometimes, the equipment might even 

get damaged.



Phone: +86-15989541416

E-mail: michael@sztimeast.com


Add: 3/F, Building 5,Huixin Intelligent Industrial Park, Xinhu, Guangmin, Shenzhen,China 518107